##Matting Shop
Grab your favourite persons in different pictures, and put them in the same picture.
# GrabCutter
# Changelog (GrabCutter)
## [v0.7.4](/view/GrabCutter/0.7.4) (2022-02-16)
#### Fixed bugs:
- fix bug: can't draw in edit mode after manually stop cropping.
## [v0.7.1](/view/GrabCutter/0.7.1) (2022-02-08)
#### Fixed bugs:
- fix bug: pixels on screen edge got feathered.
## [v0.7.0](/view/GrabCutter/0.7.0) (2022-02-07)
#### Changed
- use a slightly better feather algorithm
- in draw line mode, user is now able to draw a dot.
## [v0.6.2](/view/GrabCutter/0.6.2) (2022-02-03)
#### Changed
- change init grabcut parameters.
## [v0.6.1](/view/GrabCutter/0.6.1) (2022-02-02)
#### Changed
- change "Dicard Crop" to "Edit Crop", and provide a checkbox to toggle original image when editing grabcut
- support custom stage size (using the size of the bottom layer)
- auto fit stage size when first layer added
## [v0.5.6](/view/GrabCutter/0.5.6) (2022-02-01)
#### Added
- support drag&drop to import image
- grabcut is now cancellable
#### Changed
- image will not be scaled up after imported (and will be centered)
- better hitArea after grabcut
- increase featherSize option range
- shows brush circle when drawing lines
## [v0.1.1](/view/GrabCutter/0.1.1) (2022-01-31)
#### Added
- first build, beta
## Authors